Category: Industry events

APE 2025: Conversations on Community, Context and Capital

With the holidays fading into the distance and huge political uncertainty on the (very) near horizon, it was great to start the year at the 20th anniversary Academic…

Peer Review Innovations at Researcher to Reader 2024 – Insights and Ideas

Authors and workshop facilitators Tony Alves1, Jason De Boer2, Alice Ellingham3, Elizabeth Hay4, Christopher Leonard5 1 HighWire Press, 2 De Boer Consultancy and Kriyadocs, 3,4 Editorial Office Limited,…

The view from behind the stage curtain

Conferences are the lifeblood of many industries, and scholarly publishing is no different. They provide opportunities for learning, networking, catching up with old friends and making new ones….

Risk, reward and reach at APE 2024

It has been terrific to be back in Berlin on behalf of Kriyadocs at the APE 2024 Conference, the now traditional start to the scholarly publishing calendar. Congratulations…

Innovation, integrity and sustainability at STM Week 2023

Now back home in France, after a terrific trip to London on behalf of Kriyadocs for #STMWeek2023 with great conversations, exciting innovations and really insightful panel discussions. Here…